Children's World, Children's Rights

Children's World, Children's Rights

19.10.2021 212

"Children's World, Children's Rights" okulumuz psikolojik danışmanı Aysun AKGÜL'ün ortaklık yaptığı bir e-Twinning projesidir. Çocuk Hakları konusunda yürütülecek projede 8 farklı ülkeden toplam 14 okul ile birlikte çalışılacaktır.



This project aims to enable our children, who are the architects of our future, to learn about the rights they have acquired with the "Children's Rights Convention" and to learn about the practices in different countries.



1. Explaining the concept of Children's Rights

2. Examining the Convention on the Rights of the Child and its articles

3. Learning the applications in different countries

4. Recognition and use of different Web 2.0 tools

5. Development of foreign language skills

6. Increasing socialization and communication skills

7. Gaining awareness about rights and responsibilities



September 2021: Determination of project partners and students who will participate in the project.

1-13 October 2021: Meeting Events

14-24 October 2021: Determination of the project logo and banner

25 October-5 November 2021: "National policies on the Rights of the Child"

6-21 November: "What would happen without Children's Rights?"

22-30 November: "Children's Rights in Daily Life"

1-20 December 2021: Dissemination of the project

21-31 December 2021: Evaluation of the project.




1. Gain awareness about their rights

2. Recognize national and international practices related to Children's Rights

3. Recognize the similar and different aspects of international practices

4. If there are points that need improvement, they should discover them and find solutions

5. To take action so that their peers are aware of their rights and to carry out social responsibility studies

6. Developing their imagination and creativity skills

7. Developing self-expression skills

8. Using Web 2.0 tools effectively